Take a Sustainable, Long Term View

We’re playing the long game. We have history, but we are always looking ahead. We take a whole picture view of sustainability, from the land to the people, ensuring we have a sustainable business that will be here for years to come.

Julia moved to New Zealand in 2015, discovering a strong passion for agriculture and completing a range of qualifications, including nutrient management, greenhouse gas emissions and dairy production management. As FarmRight’s Sustainability Leader, Julia discusses guiding and implementing a comprehensive sustainability strategy covering dairy, beef, and horticulture. FarmRight aspires to sustainably produce natural products, prioritising environmental care, people, and water quality.

Renata and Sam manage a 1200-hectare bull beef unit for FarmRight in Kaiwera, Southland. The farm is a fattening unit for bobby calves from the dairy industry. Renata and Sam discuss their sustainability programme including waterway fencing, riparian plantings, and sediment traps. They’ve planted over 5,000 plants along creeks and fenced 110 kilometres of waterways. Sustainability practices are a priority. This approach not only enhances their beef operation but also reduces environmental impact by redirecting calves from the dairy industry.

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